Satellite necklace

SKU: 555-3

Satellite necklace

SKU: 555-3

Product description

Saturn-like Satellite necklace represents a human being having a material nature that will reign and symbolizes dominance, power, and change. It is a personification of ability to "change your Mind' with a gentleness that radiates from the Pearl.

gold, black

Element: gold-plated silver, black freshwater pearl / Chain: gold-plated silver

Element: Diameter 2 cm, Pearl size 7mm / Chain: 80 cm
14 g


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(approx. EUR inf)
The kuna (HRK) is the currency in Croatia, EU. When converted to euro, you get that 1 euro is approx 7,5 HRK. For precise daily exchange rates, check Your card’s provider.

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About collection
Designer presented a new Metamorphosis collection - of concrete but also symbolic meaning. Kafka wrote about it, Phillip Glass composed about it, Ovid sang about it and Sovilj creates jewelry that will remind you of the necessity of further change. With the collection slogan "Have You ever changed Your mind?" he is letting his imagination creates pieces of jewelry that symbolizes a process of fluctuation of Mind, letting go to Creation that all started with a Pearl, as something he didn't like, that entered his life agressively to just change his Mind! It symbolizes the process of constantly moving evolution of Nature and ourselves as Human Beings.
About collection
Designer presented a new Metamorphosis collection - of concrete but also symbolic meaning. Kafka wrote about it, Phillip Glass composed about it, Ovid sang about it and Sovilj creates jewelry that will remind you of the necessity of further change. With the collection slogan "Have You ever changed Your mind?" he is letting his imagination creates pieces of jewelry that symbolizes a process of fluctuation of Mind, letting go to Creation that all started with a Pearl, as something he didn't like, that entered his life agressively to just change his Mind! It symbolizes the process of constantly moving evolution of Nature and ourselves as Human Beings.


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